The Husband part 11

 Feel free to leave...

Nirjhar twisted Anu's hand back.

- Anu, what's going crazy?? I didn't say you can't go anywhere without me!!

Anu sees Simi and Nirjhar together outside and comes home to pack her bags. A lot has happened. Anu will not stay in this house for another moment. But Nirjhar comes and stops Anu.

-Look Nijhar leave me. I don't want to be with a characterless person like you!!

Anu is shaking while saying the words. She is trying to run away from Nirjhar's hand again and again.

- I will slap you, have you started a drama so late?? Where are you going??

-My house! I can't live with a characterless person like you. Please stay with your ex and his present girlfriend. I will move to my father.

Nijhar pushes Anu and throws her on the bed. Then she holds Anu on the bed and kisses her.

Anu is pushing Nirjhar as much as he wants, hitting punches but Nirjhar is not able to move a single hair.

At one point Nijhar left Anu and stood up

-Whether you want it or not, you have to stay with me. If you step out of the house without me, I will break the thong and leave it in the house. Still, I will not let you go anywhere.

By saying the words, Nijhar took a walk. Anu is lying on the bed. Nirjhar thinks what he is and comes back. He suddenly kneels in front of Anu and takes Anu's hand in his and starts saying...

-Soumita is a very good friend of mine. Since childhood we studied in the same school and from there our friendship. I call Soumita Simmi. From that childhood we grew up together. Simi and Sa....

Anyway, nothing is as you think, we are just friends.

Saying this, Nirjhar kisses Anu's hand. Then stand up

Nirjhar is looking at Anu's eyes with a look. Anu is also Nirjhar with cunning eyes

"Anu, say love and say love has come once in my life. And that one is you. I never thought of anyone except you. No one will ever come. Anu, I love you so much."

Saying this, Nijhar walked towards the balcony and got his big cigarette. This one danger of chain smokers, after a while, the addiction of cigarettes sat on his head......

But despite being a pure chain smoker, Anu's addiction has affected him more than the addiction of cigarettes.

Anu's talking, walking, smiling mischievousness has made Nirjh feel bad again and again...

Read carefully--

The next part i.e. all the episodes will be given in this I'd, stay tuned with the request to read the whole story. Stay with this id to get good stories!Many times stories are not posted in the group. So if you have problems getting stories in the group, you can follow or request them. Thanks.

Anu was crying for a long time but as soon as she heard Nirjhar's last words, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. I don't know what is in Nirjhar's words of love. Even though Nirjhar's words were unbearable for so long, now it feels good.

Sion is sitting next to the window. He is repeatedly calling Nirjhar's phone but after cutting the phone suddenly yesterday, Nirjhar's phone is saying sweet off every time.

Sion's head is hanging. When Nirjha called yesterday, a girl picked up the phone. The voice sounds very familiar to Sion. It was a network problem, so nothing could be heard properly.

Why did Sion think it was Anu's voice?

But how will Anu come to Nirjhar's phone......


One day, Sion thought about Anu so much that even when he went to sleep, even when Anu sat down, Anu. Maybe his mind was wrong.. The words were said to himself by Sion.

It is snowing outside.

Sion is looking at the white cotton snow outside in one mind.

Anu wanted to come to such a place on honeymoon.

And will sit by the fireplace all night and watch the snowfall.

Oh madam's abdar Sion also has to stand by Anu's side all night.

What a bad father!!

The whole night or two will stand holding hands and watch the snow fruit

Sayon laughs at Anu's request.

Anuto turned red with anger.

When Anu gets angry, Anu's fair cheeks turn rosy and the tip of her nose turns red with drops of sweat.

How many times Sion used to pull Anu's nose mischievously, Anu would get more angry.....

Sion laughs as he remembers the past.

"Anuk had so many dreams about you. But I didn't have the guts or courage to ignore the mother fire. Forgive me."

Sion's phone rang as he thought the words.

Soumita's name and Sion, Simi and Nirjhar's picture appeared on the mobile screen.......

- Why do you listen when you wear hummus on your body like this?? Aren't you ashamed??

Nirjhar smiled at Anu's words and hugged Anu tightly. Then he buried his face in Anu's neck and planted a deep kiss.

Anu was taking a bath and combing her hair in front of the mirror when suddenly Nirjhar came from nowhere and hugged Anu from behind.

Byas!! Anu To Rege Mege Fire!!

-I don't like these sounds.

As Anu moved away from Nirjhar, Nirjhar hugged Anu tighter. Now Nirjhar's hand moved along Anu's navel.

But now Anu doesn't feel unbearable like before. Instead, a different kind of pleasure works.

It's completely different. Sometimes love and hate are all mixed together.

Nijhar slides his hand on Anu's stomach as per his own will and Anu closes her eyes.

Nijhar spits on Anu's neck and sees Anu's reflection in the mirror.

Nirjhar's gaze is fixed on Anu's pink lips.

Nijhar turned Anu towards himself and moved towards Anu's lips.....

Soon Simi arrived.

Both Nirjhar Anu are shocked to see Simi suddenly enter the house.

Anu Ekram flinches away from Nirjhar.

Simi stands in shock. As if she is suddenly very big

Akka ate

- I think I came at the wrong time.

(Looking at the water)

Nijhar doesn't know what to say. She is standing with her head down. She must be shy or something. Anui says.

-Ye mean no!!

- Sorry

- Why are you saying sorry??

-Actually, I never needed to knock to enter the house before, but I didn't realize that I would have to from now on....

By the way, you are sorry. Carry on.

Saying these words, Simi left.

Why is Anur smiling so much? The smile of winning the kingdom. As if he has conquered the whole kingdom.

Anur is smiling a lot seeing Simi's face. But why?

What do you know!!

Nirjhar is looking at Anu with surprised eyes.....

-I see you are shy...

-Ye mean Simi like this…

- It's done!!

Saying these words, Anu went downstairs. That afternoon, Anu entered the house, afternoon rolled around and evening went down and Anu did not come out of the house.

Anu was with Nirjhar for so long.

Things are busy at home today. Neera has returned home after completing her college tour. She will get married very soon.

In one or two days, the boy's side will come, not to talk, but to marry each other and take Neera away......

As Anu comes down, she sees Neera sitting with her legs raised

Seeing Anu, he started to puff his nose and say

-I've been waiting for you since then, you didn't come down!!

Anu smiled and sat next to Neera

- Nandini Go, did I know that you have come, I would have left the bath and rushed to you!!

-Wait, Wait, what's the matter with this afternoon shower?

- There are many things but you can't be told...!!

Anu laughs saying this.

- Don't tell me!!

- Hmmm, what else will you understand after two days, your day is coming!!

- means??

- I mean you don't understand??

- Not you!!

-Doesn't it make love trem!!

-Obama is not in love at all. Khalamuni wants me to be his son's wife so....

(Neera blushed shyly as she said this)

-Khalamuni mean??

-You mean you don't know??

No one!!

-Brother did not tell you anything??

- No father!!

-He is my great uncle's son!!

-Is that so?? So you have made a love song!! How long have you heard of love?

- Well, I think he never called me anything but Picchu. According to him, I'm like his sister!!

- Have you tried hitting the line??

- Hmm, I didn't care!!

Who the hell said he thinks you're a sister!! Maybe he had something in his mind about you, otherwise why is he getting married...??

Neera blushed with embarrassment.


- Hmmm that brother Sohagi Nandini will become groom Sohagi after two days!!

- Do you want to be quiet??

- What is his name?

- The name is...

Neera looks at the stairs and sees Nirjhar and Simi coming down the stairs together....

Neera looks at Anu and says….

- Don't sit like this and cover the groom with a little cloth. When your handsome groom will be stolen.... Even so, many people are watching your groom...!!

(pointing to Nirjhar and Simi)

Nirjhar's eyes fall in Anu's eyes as soon as she looks at it...

Anu frowned and turned away. But Nirjhar looked very serious!

Anu stood up from sitting and bumped into something and fell again.

Nirjhar comes and stands in front of Anu. Anu takes the blow with Nirjhar

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